Category: Articles & Tips

  • Buildings at the Horizon

    There’s something attractive about those buildings at the horizon. Every morning I used to wake up early and stare at them for a minute or two. They were sort of connecting the present to the unknown future. The sound of cement mixers and iron plates sizzle all around filling the space with echoes. The outcome…

  • Fears of Photographing Strangers

    Many of my students are concerned about how to overcome fears of photographing strangers? In which it turns to be their main problem. And instead of developing their skills or improving their artistic vision, they focus on their fears. Eventually it becomes a mission. Fears are normal. We are humans and it is a part…

  • Sunny 16 Rule

    The sunny 16 rule is a method of estimating correct exposures during the daytime without a light meter by setting the shutter speed to the same value of the ISO then setting the aperture according to the table below. For example; In a sunny day with 100 ISO set shutter speed to 1/100s and aperture…