November 6, 2022

Public Housing Portraiture

I am looking to take portraits of locals who are residing in Public Estates. This is a personal project about ‘Public Housing Life’ in Hong Kong. It was started in 2017 and still going. The resulted images from the project might be selected for publishing in a book.

– No need to wear fancy cloth. Just wear something that makes you comfortable and confident. Be natural!
– For ladies, no need to doll-up. Be yourself! Dress-up the way you usually do in your daily life, like when you go to work or school.

If you are interested in having your portrait taken, please fill out the form below. I will get back to you within 48 hours. Thanks!


我正在尋找正在居住在公共房屋的香港本地人拍攝肖像。 這是一個關於香港“公共房屋生活”的個人項目。 我在 2017 年開始研究它,並在繼續中。 該項目的結果圖像可能會被挑選出版在一本書中。

– 無需穿花哨的衣服。 只需穿一些讓你感到舒適和自信的東西。自然就好。
– 對於女士來說,無需裝扮。 做你自己! 像你平時在日常生活中那樣打扮,比如去上班或上學的時候。


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Lam Tin Estate

Pak Tin Estate